Tuesday 24 September 2013

Celebrating Heritage Day – 24 September 2013

Our heritage is very unique and precious because it helps us to define our cultural identity

Heritage Day is a national holiday where all South Africans celebrate their cultural heritage and embrace their diverse traditions and values that contribute to our “rainbow nation”. It is a day in which we are all encouraged to celebrate our cultural traditions in the wider context of the great diversity of cultures, beliefs, and traditions that make up the nation of South Africa. We as South Africans live in a country full of diversity, and because of this we should all be accommodating and respect other people’s heritage.

At an address marking National Heritage Day in 1996, Nelson Mandela said:

"When our first democratically-elected government decided to make Heritage Day one of our national days, we did so because we knew that our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our new nation.We did so knowing that the struggles against the injustice and inequities of the past are part of our national identity; they are part of our culture. We knew that, if indeed our nation has to rise like the proverbial phoenix from the ashes of division and conflict, we had to acknowledge those whose selfless efforts and talents were dedicated to this goal of non-racial democracy."

At Eduloan, we like to offer people from all walks of life the opportunity and access to education, unlocking potential throughout South Africa.

We would like to wish all our clients a happy Heritage Day!

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