Thursday 9 January 2014


Eduloan congratulates the 2013 matric class on their notable efforts. Well done.
Having prepared for this day since Grade 11, these results are a gateway to your educational future.
Eduloan wishes South Africa’s matriculants all the best for their future. “You are  South Africa’s future and your welfare and success will impact on the country as a whole,” says Memela. 

For those looking to further their education, now is the time to focus. For these pupils a new world is opening up; one that may prove to have stumbling blocks for those that are unprepared, says Eduloan CEO Totsie Memela.
In order to be a productive young professional, emphasis should be on moulding individuals that are driven to succeed; that are focused on growing the economy and that are able to maximise on the opportunities presented to them.
According to the National Planning Commission Diagnostic Report fewer than 4% of those who pass matric will be accepted into university.
The past few years have shown the ratio of young South Africans opting for university studies as opposed to those who decide on further education and training (FET) or are willing to consider an artisanship is distorted compared to international benchmarks. Yet these alternatives can lead to better results in terms of employment and income potential.
Matric provides young adults with a broad theoretical background, but does not prepare them to perform specific tasks in the workplace. This is one of the reasons why only about 25% of school leavers are expected to find formal employment.
In South Africa and elsewhere there is a trend to only consider university studies. This is an option for matrics who received university exemption marks and who are informed about the course they want to apply for and where this course will take them in life.
Memela says a university degree is not only option for further education. There is a shortage of artisans, like plumber and boilermakers. . As an emerging economy, South Africa requires such skills in order to be competitive.
Universities of Technology offer national diplomas in a wide variety of career options and have lower entrance requirements than academic tertiary institutions.
In addition there are 50 FET colleges with 264 campuses country-wide offering a range of programmes from engineering, business studies, art and music, and food services for students who did not qualify for university entrance.
“Students need to be practical about their future. If you qualify for and can afford tertiary academic institutions, and know where your degree will take you, go for it. If not, pursue other options like FET colleges or consider part-time study. Whatever the choice or opportunity, for those prepared to work hard there is a future,” says Memela.

Eduloan offers a variety of financing options to help prospective students on their way. For more information call Eduloan’s Client Services Department on 0860-55-55-44 or or follow us on

Eduloan is a leading education finance specialist operating in Southern Africa. Since its inception in1996, Eduloan has provided more than 720 000 study loans valued at R3.7-billion and continues to help thousands across Africa unlock their true potential. Currently, Eduloan approves between 50 000 and 60 000 loans annually to students, a significant proportion of them working professionals.
Eduloan’s loan offerings include repayment options at extremely affordable, fixed-interest rates, for the duration of the loan period. 
Study fees are paid by Eduloan directly to the institution, taking the administrative burden away from the student/corporate institution.  Loans can be paid back either through a salary deduction or a debit order.
For more information, call Eduloan’s Client Services Department on 0860-55-55-44 or visit Follow us on Twitter/EduloanSA and Facebook/EduloanSA.

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