Wednesday 1 August 2012

Celebrating Women's Month

One day, women of South Africa, you’ll realise that the new generation of South Africans are looking to you to make a difference.

You’ll realise that the power to change your circumstances is within your grasp.

You will stop looking for change to come from others, and recognise that if you want to be more, do more and achieve more, education can unlock that door to success.

One day, women of South Africa, you will realise that those who succeed are the ones willing to look beyond the obstacles and instead focus on the possibilities.

You will use your determination, intelligence and your strength as a woman to show all those who said you wouldn’t make it that they were wrong.

You will one day inspire others to make a change for the better.

One day, women of South Africa, you will realise that every opportunity to ensure a better life for yourself, your families, your communities and our nation as a whole is within your grasp, that whoever you are and wherever you come from, it’s possible for you to empower yourself with education so that you can change our nation.

That instead of being alive, you can choose to thrive.

One Day is Today.
Own it! 

Because we recognise the important role that women play in our society as mothers, daughters, caregivers and breadwinners, we are dedicating the entire month of August to the strong, fearless women of South Africa! Happy Women's Month!

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