Wednesday 11 July 2012

Give a little love to the teachers – your feedback

This month Eduloan is giving recognition to everyone in the teaching profession – to encourage South Africans to take a moment to think about the teachers who helped us to understand the world around us and succeed in it.

We asked our fans on Facebook to tell us about their favourite teachers and what made them special, and we got some lovely stories! Here are some of them below:

The good English she taught me, the morals and intellectual education I got from her.

Mr. Jonas, he taught us very well. He was teaching us Biology & he did a great job adding jokes as well. You make me miss biology classes! lol

Mr Tshola. Teaching to understand. If you didn't understand, he would explain to you.

My Grade 1 teacher, I am where I am because of her. R.I.P. Ma'am Nkuku.
If you have your own favourite teacher story to add, you can add them in the comments below!

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